Last Semester's Project

Last Semester's Project
Last Semester's Architectural Project | Click on it to view the project in its entirety

Building Construction Management

Rabanni Muhammad

An online copy of the Master Format | Division List is posted at the bottom of this page

Upcoming Events:

November |

There is a test on Thursday

The redo of the midterm is next Thursday, one week from today.

Due to the previous test results there will be a redo of the midterm soon. Please note that this test will be harder than the last midterm and that the answers to several questions from the last midterm are in the notes below. Be sure to study.
Continue reading the Chapter on Float

Last Class's Review for the Midterm:

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

their job is to assess, monitor and manage disaster prone areas
they also manage the federal funding for those areas.

you must have a plan for disaster as a construction manager

you must develop a plan of action.

As a contractor, a plan of action would consist of the following

  1. collect debris from the area and organize it
    1. account for everything that is still there and for everything that is missing
  2. asses the damage done by the disaster
    1. trees falling on the structure
    2. water damage
  3. obtain the equipment necessary to clean up the debris
    1. dumpsters
      1. must use dumpsters to store the debris
    2. plywood
    3. chainsaw
    4. front end loader
      1. must know the method of using front end loading
  4. contractors are given responsibility for certain areas
    1. clean up
  5. must analyze the specifics of the project
    1. timing
      1. when will the project start?
      2. when will it be scheduled to finish?
    2. contract
      1. what type of contract should be used?
        1. the amount of work that will be involved in the project
      2. Normally this is a unit cost, cost plus contract
        1. for example $250 per dumpster (as well as every other unit price) plus a reasonable profit and overhead

On FEMA’s side:
Action Plan

  1. assess the damage
    1. take into consideration the displacement of people and crime
      1. displacement of people
        1. displaced children from lost schools
        2. displaced homeowners form lost homes
        3. displaced patients from lost hospitals
        4. displaced workers from lost business buildings
      2. safety
        1. crime
          1. looters
          2. theives

We must know the terminology to be able to deal with these scenarios

  • scheduling
    • activities that would go in that schedule
  • Contract type
    • contract that fulfils the obligation of the contractor otherwise known as bonding
      • performance bond
      • surety bond
      • material - supplier bond
        • supplier puts a lien on the profit if the project is not completed
      • insurance for safety

have a firm schedule

the language we learn in developing contracts

An emergency disaster, will not be a fixed contract, a lump sum contract or a parameter contract. It will be a unit price within a cost plus contract. which includes the unit price, the overhead and the reasonable profit.

mobile trailers and rvs must be placed for overhead.

if force major occurs during a project, the contract is postponed until everything has been renegotiated and rewritten and the insurance pays the cost

No interest loan is done to rebuild facilities like City Hall

joint venture, construction companies join especially states that require stringent code for construction and liscensure

Honesty and Trustworthiness is the  key to always getting good business

force major is an act of God
the field of construction has a lot of job oporunities

rebuilding buildings
buildings engineered and tested for inhabiting them
spec writers
building code inspections

Being Prepared
Know the Language

late start
late finish
early start
early finish

must make a schedule

Master Format helps schedule disaster

Cost Plus Contract

debris removal is a cost in the Master Format

Estimates on historical records can be checked to see develop an estimate

joint venture, companies work together to get the project done

Fast Track - designing as its being built

Know Fast Track vs Turnkey

Turnkey - responsible for everything in the building and once done you turn it over to the owner

Must do due diligence

Caviar inta [Latin] - leave the people alone
[Fr] le se fuer - let the people do as they please

things cannot be done as pleased or else there will be no order
eg: earthquakes, in California vs Haiti
California has regulation and code, Haiti does not thus California has order and Haiti does not

every area with work being done has regulations that must be followed.

contingency: What type is needed for a contract with FEMA?
How is it applied? What is it?

There are two types of contingency,

  1. one that adds a number of days to the contract for activities and occurances that may happen. it details the number of days of extention for construction days
  2. one that accounts for price errors or omissions in plans

Highway bridge excersise
what is the structural element that spans in between the two abutments?
it is a girder
it connects to 3 spots, the two abutments and the ground
the girder is the horizontal element that the beams are connected to.

the abutment is the concrete structures that hold the girders

steel piles support the abutments
this is because the soil was too weak to hold the above structure since the soil is from the river

recall that we had to
divert the river
create a haul road
prepare the borrow development, soil engineered to go back as backfill

What is unclassified excavation?

The Unit Price Schedule lists activities
Summary Sheet, what information is on the summary sheet?

Projected Cost vs Actual Cost

What is Indirect Cost?

How does indirect cost affect the bottom line profitability?

If your indirect cost is greater than your direct cost what does it mean?

It means that you are not getting direct progress done on the project.  Too much money is going into the costs not directly related to the project

A Progress Payment Certificate must be approved by the contractor at risk, construction manager and the architect

What is a Progress Payment Certificate?

How do you know progress is being done on your project?

The project field engineer logs the information into the computer which can be seen by the project manager

the papers looked at include shop drawings and specifications

amendments to contract -  change orders and addendums

change order vs addendum
an addendum is a change in the contract before the contract is signed
a change order is a change in the contract after the contract is signed

the change order does not make the contract null or void but he contract is just extended further

critical path
must be taken into consideration while building

critical activity
an activity where if it isn't completed, the project stops

PERT, What is it? when is it used?

Performance Evaluation Review Technique

The P got changed to Programmable after technology was used to keep track of it

NASA first used it when they sent the first man to the moon

the lag in a schedule is the leftover time between two activities

next will be on scheduling
how to calculate lag
early start
late start
early finish
late finish
total float

scheduling is used to make decisions
it is interpretation, application and decision making

October |

The test is moved to this Thursday the 1st. Check the notes below to see the contents of the review he had in class yesterday.

     The Midterm is on the 25th
He wants everyone to have a copy of the Master Format and to read the scenario in Appendix G, he will ask questions from it. You must be able to define everything listed below as fully as possible
The midterm will cover

  • Master Format
  • Sequence of Events and Activities
    • job logic
    • sequence of activities
      • how do we determine these?
    • critical path
      • how do we determine these?
    • precedents (diagrams)
      • how do we determine these?
  • Contract Types
  • Estimating 
    • Index Estimating
    • Estimate vs Budget
  • Types of Scheduling
  • Planning Operation
  • The three phases of a construction project and the importance of what goes on during these stages
    • Designing
    • Planning
    • Procurement
  • The dialogue form Appendix G: Highway Bridge Project
    • conversation of building a team framework
    • notice the language
    • the role play of how they shed their experience on the project
  • PERT | Project Evaluation and Review Technique
    • when is this technique used
  • data mining
  • contingency
    • money
    • time
  • Critical Path Method | CPM
  • project cost vs project time graph
    • how to read it
    • what can it tell you
    • what does it mean?
  • Line Items
  • Precedent Diagrams
  • Restraints
    • what can hold back a project
  • force major
  • All the words listed above, be able to define them

